Southwest Dairy Farm Visits White Oak Intermediate

April 6, we had a very special visitor named Molly who came to White Oak Intermediate School to teach us the importance of milk in keeping our bodies healthy. Be sure to ask your third or fourth grade student about what they learned from her. A very special thanks goes to the Southwest Dairy Farmers for providing this free and very informational service to our youngsters!!!!

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Writing TAKS Test- Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The Fourth Grade will be taking the TAKS Writing next Tuesday, March 1. This is an important day for our students, and we need to show them that we are in full support of their efforts.

On Monday night, please make sure that your student gets plenty of rest. Also, you might want to prepare their favorite breakfast for them on Tuesday morning to ease their nerves. If you don’t have time to cook, the school cafeteria opens at 7:30 a.m. and will have a yummy breakfast prepared if you would prefer to purchase this meal. Please send an unopened, room temperature water bottle for them to sip on during the break time. Due to test security, no visitors will be allowed for lunch on this day, so plan to either send lunch money or a lunch kit to school with your child that morning.

We have worked really hard to prepare to be life-long writers, and the students are ready to show the state that we ARE CHAMPS in all areas of the academic realm! Let’s write!!! I am sure that White Oak students are the best writers around.

Season’s Greetings

It seems impossible that Christmas and the break are almost here! I just want to share some things that will make the next couple of weeks easier for all of us. We will have regular dismissal times until Dec. 16. We will dismiss at 12:15 on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 16 and 17. Our party will be held on Friday, Dec. 17, from 9:30-10:30. Any parent attending the party may take his/her child home as soon as the party is over. Classes will resume on Monday, Jan. 3, 2011. Just in case some of you have anymore spending money left (ha, ha!), please feel free to send more kleenex, hand sanitizer and wipes to school. Thanks!

Fall in Fourth Grade


Fall is on the way! Recess has been much more enjoyable during the cooler weather.   Here are some things we have been doing at school.  In reading, we have been traveling with Mina from Germany to Texas in the 1840s.  Life was not always a paradise.  In math, we have worked hard on regrouping in addition and subtraction and are beginning multiplication.  Beware!  Basic facts should have been memorized last year, so we will not spend much time reviewing them.  In writing, the students are also writing a memory story about a special time in their lives.

Special events in the near future include a talent show on October 29, pumpkin decorating, and Texas Day on Nov. 5.

Back to School




Welcome to my blog.  There  is always something buzzing in this class! 

bee_color Welcome Back! I hope each of you had a super summer and that you are ready for a wonderful year in fourth grade at White Oak Intermediate. So that everyone will start the year off on the right foot, I want to share several things with both the students and parents. The planners are the best form of communication that we have, and homework and other information will be recorded daily. Parents, please check and sign these Monday- Thursday. On most Tuesdays I will send notebooks home so that parents can review student progress. There will be a signature sheet for them to sign each week. Please make sure to go over the student handbook carefully, especially the sections pertaining to the dress code, birthday invitations, and bus changes. The students may want to bring water bottles to class, especially during the hot weather. The bottles need to be nonbreakable and have sealable lids. Thanks so much for your support!